The Book of Esther: An Envelope Retelling
David Moss, an Israeli artist friend, has commissioned a diverse group of artists throughout the world to create artwork for six scenes from the biblical Book of Esther. He encouraged us to utilize our own style, and geographic and cultural backgrounds for the artwork. I have drawn the story as if it took place in Morro Bay, California (my adopted home town) and populated with all the original creatures who live here.
My “canvases” were #14 mailing envelopes. As with all my mail art, the originals were sent through the US Mail.
–Philip Carey (2020)
Philip’s Esther envelopes was featured as part of the exhibit Esther Without Borders: A Worldwide Folk Art Journey through Megillat at the Kol Haot Gallery in Jerusalem in 2022. You can view a one-hour presentation by David Moss discussing the origins of the project and all the artist participants here.